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As of December 1, 2019  North Carolina will join the rest of the country in raising the age of juvenile jurisdiction to include 16 and 17 year olds.  Here you will find various materials detailing the progress of N.C.’s Raise the Age initiative and OJD’s plan to prepare Juvenile Defenders for the changes in legislation. 


Here you can find the most recent legislation passed on the Age of Juvenile Jurisdiction and summaries for cases influenced by the new law.


Juvenile Jurisdiction Advisory Committee (JJAC):

Here we will provide the reports/updates from JJAC as we progress toward the implementation of Raise the Age.


  • January 2019 Interim Report: An update to the 2019 report, with additional legal and funding recommendations.

  • March 2018 Interim Report: This report details recommendations for housing and transfers of juveniles, requests for additional staffing, funding, and capital for multiple organizations, and implementation dates for various initiatives toward Raise the Age.


News articles and other media about the progress of North Carolina’s new plan to Raise the Age


  • Gault at 50 & Raise the Age:  In collaboration with the Administrative Office of the Courts, our office created this video acknowledging the 50th anniversary of the landmark In re Gault decision and it’s relationship to raising the age in N.C. (2017)

  • NC Department of Adult Corrections and Juvenile JusticeThis presentation from DACJJ Deputy Secretary William Lassiter presents points on the history, the implementation plan, and the vision for what Raise the Age will do for N.C.  This video also offers suggestions to reduce recidivism, youth psychological development research, and other data.

Resoures and Links

Useful info for defenders and public audiences regarding RTA from other organizations.


Background/Historical Information:

Articles and information on the History and Development of Raise the Age.


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